MODEL SIZE :171 cm / wearing 0 size 0(S) Length: 51.5cm Chest: 35.4cm Hem: 33.6cm Sleeve Length(화장): 27.2cm 1(M) Length: 53.5cm Chest: 37.4cm Hem: 35.6cm Sleeve Length(화장): 28.8cm * Unit: cm * The size of the product may have a 1-3cm tolerance depending on the measurement method and location. * The product color closely matches the product cut.
MODEL SIZE :171 cm / wearing 0 size 0(S) Length: 51.5cm Chest: 35.4cm Hem: 33.6cm Sleeve Length(화장): 27.2cm 1(M) Length: 53.5cm Chest: 37.4cm Hem: 35.6cm Sleeve Length(화장): 28.8cm * Unit: cm * The size of the product may have a 1-3cm tolerance depending on the measurement method and location. * The product color closely matches the product cut.
Sunglasses for your everyday wear from Italy with love